Last Sunday, my mom, my and and i are supposed to attends my dad's highschool reunion at Tanjung Laut. My dad's reunion is been routine case every one to three weeks. I already wore something nice that my mom sugested: Gaudi's Top, jeans and converse.
BUT, all failed because my bike is actually cant turned on. Crazy. So, my mom and my dad left me, and i took a few pics and i have a long time NAP dated with my bed and radio. Suck, when everything u have planned is goin fails for unpredictable cases.
I have learned so many things when my plans is failed when i wasnt even go to them. But, here is my tips for making plan and avoiding bad unpredictable case:
1. Write down ur future plan into a journal or book that u might see them everyday
2. Keep in real. U can write everything u wanted, but stay in real limits and what u capable of. In my case, i have planned my trip with my other three friends to Singapore next year. We have already write our plan down into each book and find an information about Singapore. Because, next year i finish my major and i have already looking for part time job alot and waiting for an interview. So, im pretty sure i could go to them.
3. Make ur strategy. Make back up plan! No one knows if there is something we dont want happens when we are gettin closer to our goal. Like when u are choosing ur university when u are graduated high school. U might be have ur big priorities what university u will choosen. I used to make a list, number one is my priority, number two is my second priority, and number three is when my first and second priority is failed.
4. Book them into ur calendar and daily reminder. Book the date u will executing ur plan. Mine, im goin to Singapore next year in May. Im gettin so serious and all out at September 2013. Its seven months before my deadline. But i really need to book my calendar to reminds me to save money and keep remind them.