Hi guys!!!! So, i am so sorry for my old coming back bad habbit just hit me down and forced me to did that again, yaaa being late. Lets get started to my news. About two weeks ago, i invited to attend my very first time 'pemilu' to Pemilu Calon Gubernur-Calon Wakil Gubernur Jawa Tengah 2013 just about three homes away. My mom woke me up and reminds me to get changed quickly and attend to 'pemilu'.\
This is my secret and this is no longer would be a little secret because i have choosen a right candidat to be a future governor of Jawa Tengah: Ganjar Pranowo & Heru Sudjatmoko which was choosen to be the next governor would lead Jawa Tengah.
Congrats for Mr. Pranowo and Mr. Sudjatmoko :)