Just wanted to share about my weekend in October on the blog today I must tell you there was alot of strange things happened.
I decided to cancel my date with boyfriend to go to a concert downtown where The S.I.G.I.T were playing. I have no idea why I did that it was just there's a part of me pushing me to cancel it and I want to do another thing, like hanging out with friend. Saturday was killing me. First, I was totally forgot to brought my stuff and I remember it when I was already on the road. Second when I was on half road, rain was falling slowly then heavy. It got me to turned my bike to got me on rain coat and continue my way to boyfriend's home. Third, I arrived at boyfriend's home and there was NO rain after all. But when I was on the road to meet Uli.... rain was falling over again and it fogging, it getting blurry, I couldn't see so I drove my bike, very..... slowly. Fourth I stopped in mini market to get some tea and coke. Suddenly, I had an accident I slipped, my body was lying after my bike and it was... hurts. I've tried to got my self up and I was crying all the way home. What a Saturday.
Sunday was better. My date with Uli was on. I made my magazine clutch today and I wore it at the mall. People are stairing at me and I've always love being such an interesting moving object.We were snacking at Tongji we had Tahu Telur and Mendoan. I had choco tea with a ceremint and it tastes good. I purchased another panties in shocking pink which I love it.
Last destinantion Uli had another snack she had donuts. To be honest I'm not really feel to donuts after all.
Weekend has been not so great.
(Credits: Photos taken at October, 23 2013)