
Owl owl owl owl

Btw, ever seen an OWL necklace? Did you like it? I'm officially loved it.
So I'm started to search an owl necklace, hmm I've already found it :) for now....
and I saw the price.. OMG! the price was too expensive only to bought some cute necklace!!!
I've got an information from Link and Ridha as my friend, they bought it at Satria Accesoris Semarang
I bought it only IDR 17500
I made mine ones

This necklace, I would wear in my sister's wedding later on 16 December 2010, the wedding reception will be held on 18 December 2010.so how do you think? let's use your creativitytoday, I have a plan to take a course to make my own necklaces with limited funding, after my exams later, I would make a plan to knit a course to increase my knowledge later
In my opinion, we don't need to pay expensive just to buy something that we think that's good, but we can use our creativity to create our own necklace without paying with a high price.
don't ever be ashamed to go to a traditional market to buy some lovely shoes, cheap clothes, a good jeans, an unique jeans, and even to buy a necklace like that, right?