But, let me hold my breath to tell you the news. Indonesia has launched an Indonesia Email Service. How can we more proud of it? The website is call cekPM and this is the first Indonesia Email Service.
You can open the website first to take a look. The design is simple yet elegant. I love the combination of red and white on the website. It's kind of an Indonesia national flag. It says on the website 'Mohon maaf beberapa halaman cekPM ini sedang dalam pengembangan. Kritik dan saran dapat anda berikan disini. Terima kasih' means, We are sorry some of cekPM page is under construction. You can give your critic and advice here. Thank you.
YES! Some of cekPM page is under construction. But you can definitely sign up to create your email. They claimed the service is secured, free & fast. Because it secured, free & fast. It's easy to use and fast to sign up. It has an unlimited storage, spam protection (so there's no chance to a spam email to email you), a simple view, and fast costumer support within 24 hours.
Let's move to how to sign up to cekPM. It's very easy to use. All you have to do is click on Sign Up. The page will be looks like this (see above). And, you can fill the form, First Name, Last Name, Your Username, Password, Birthday, Gender, Alternative Email (I suggest it is your old email from Yahoo! or Google Mail), Mobile Phone and Your Location. With a single click your email is done.
You're about to Log In. This is easy to use and operate. Type your email address, mine is kristika@cek.pm and type your password.
This is it! You're arrived to cekPM! The view is similar to Google Mail but it has an unlimited storage and spam protection.
I'm so proud of Indonesia! Love your local product and use your local product. For your information, this email service knows no-long-loading at all! I can guarantee that for sure. What are you waiting for? Go sign up now to create your Indonesia email service. To more information, sign up to cekPM.
*kepo: always want to know about something, searching up something