Hello, gal. Been a long long long time I finally deciding to write over this blog again. You know, I am very busy. I just love Instagram-ing at the moment, I never had time to drag myself in front of PC screen and blogging. Here I am. You probably hated me right now, well I can live with that.
SOOOO much things going on, middle school reunion in July, Eid Mubarak in July, preparing myself to back to my college daily, building so many pretty plans inside and outside, my birthday last June, friend's birthday last June, dinner with my high school mates, meeting 'BAE' (I'm currently in relationship, duh) and many crazy things.
Despite all of that, I'm alive. Busy is a good thing. The sign that I'm usefull and make something.
Yes, I'm currently 'made' something out...
Meet my new business, call KRIO STUDIO. DId I tell you that I'm now older, I will graduate soon next year, I will get a job (I have to), I will make money for living, I will take all of adults responsibility. Which is crazy yet sometimes. When my mum gives me some advice to survive, and blah blah blah, I know I lived under pressure. Shit happens.
Well, KRIO STUDIO is my answer. It's a brand new business in jewelry and accessories industry. I or we'll try to handmade it. I love to craft, I love to handmade, which is why my business will hand-made-by-me-and-friends. It's a jewelry and accessories shop like no other before. Actually it's the same. What make us different? Because of us. Every pieces will get it place and position among all the girls around. We love to make it, we make it with love, dream and hope,
We are having a bunch of preps to this. Especially me I don't want this project become only an upcoming project. AH, I'm sick of upcoming project. Why don't I make it 'now-project'? Feels right, sounds better, tastes sweet, looks amazing. And yes, why do I name it KRIO STUDIO? Well, me and boyfriend are happy together and completely crazy for each other. He already got his first clothing line call RUFT, please heading to RUFT to see what he and his friends have done amazingly this far. He's a business minded as far as I knew him, he's about to think how to make money, make a better living and sharpen a potential we had, and after all he was happy doing it.
Back to KRIO STUDIO, KRIO is our nickname. Kr for Kristika, Io for Rio. Who knows our names are made a perfect name? Now you can meet our Studio and enjoy it. I bet you are already have anything figure out what studio means and what studio for. Yes, we call ourselve, KRIO STUDIO, gal! Please have us a pray to set everything ready. This is the first project I ever made it real, I had a million business project I never had a chance to make it real and happen. Here it is, maybe this is my time.
Please kindly heading to KRIO STUDIO to see some of our photos in our Instagram. We are not yet have our first collection, but you may see inspirations, and our sneak peak of our first collection. Meet Krio, Enjoy the Studio.
xoxo. Kristika